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Office reception; greeting a visitor

Logistics Form

Thanks for choosing KSL Training!

To help us get fully prepared for the training, we would be grateful if you would complete the following form at least two weeks before the scheduled training date. The information you provide is also used by our trainer to make the training relevant to your participants.

Fields marked with an asterisk* are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form. If you experience problems, please call our office team for help on +44 (0) 1635 890450.

    Your Details

    Your Full Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Company/Organisation*

    KSL or CUR Reference Number*

    Training Date/s (in DD/MM/YYYY format)*

    Your Telephone Number*

    Name of contact person on the day*

    Mobile number of this contact person*

    About the Training Venue

    Please provide the full training venue address (and contact details if using an external venue)*

    About The Training Room

    Please provide training room name (if available)

    Please describe the room set-up and its maximum capacity below. KSL's preferred set-up is U-shape tables with chairs*

    Is room accessible at least 45 minutes before start time?* YesNo

    Is space available for small breakout sessions?* YesNo

    Does the training room have natural daylight?* YesNo

    Training Room Equipment

    Presentation aid/s in training room (please select)*

    Connectivity of Projector or TV*

    Flipchart/s with stand/s and pens available?* YesNo

    If you answered "no" please select one of the following training aids, which you will make available to the trainer and allow to be used

    Does one or more participant have any special needs?* YesNo

    If "Yes" please specify here


    Hot and cold beverages available for trainer?* YesNo

    Lunch provided for participants and trainer? (full-day courses only)* YesNo

    Car Parking and Security Access

    Is free car parking available on-site for the trainer?* YesNo

    If "No", suggest alternative car park

    Any special instructions for the trainer on arrival?

    Additional Information

    Anything we've missed? Please provide any additional Information here


    Send us an email and we’ll be in touch shortly, or phone between 9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

      Course Type*