In-House Training
Tailored training programmes run at your UK company premises

Training Equipment & Stationery List
Listed below are the details of the equipment and preferred room layout for the training event we will be delivering at your premises. Gaining access to the meeting room one hour prior to the official start time will ensure a well organised training event.
For training courses, the following room layout and equipment is needed, 1 hour prior to the training start time:
- Data projector with projection screen and connecting cables to connect the laptop to the projector
- Alternatively, a large LCD TV screen
- One (ideally two) flipchart stands
- A pad of white A3 flipchart paper and working flipchart pens (minimum of 20 clean sheets with holes in to hook onto the flipchart stand)
- U-shape table and chairs for participants
- Small top table for trainer notes and laptop
- Name badge labels for participants
With most of our skills development courses, it is highly advantageous if we can have two small rooms or quiet areas for the participants during practice sessions. However, we appreciate this is not always possible, so do feel free to discuss this with us.
We endeavour to make the learning fully inclusive and accessible to all participants. If you have any specific requirements, please let us know in advance so that we can accommodate your participants’ needs appropriately in a timely manner.
Team building events
For team building events, the following room layout and equipment is needed:
- Data projector with projection screen and connecting cables to connect the laptop to the projector
- Alternatively, a large LCD TV screen
- Two (ideally) flipchart stands with plenty of paper and flipchart pens
- A pad of white A3 flipchart paper and working flipchart pens (minimum of 20 clean sheets with holes in to hook onto the flipchart stand)
- Semi circle of chairs for participants
- Small top table for trainer laptop
- Name badge labels for participants
Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +44 (0) 1635 890450 or email