Emotional Intelligence Training
Improve communication and well-being with this practical course

How To Develop Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is now recognised as a key factor for high performance at work – particularly for team leaders and managers. But what is it? And how can it be developed?
In essence Emotional Intelligence is how we integrate our feelings and our thoughts to manage ourselves, our behaviour and our relationships. While IQ is also a vital component for high performance – on its own it is insufficient to guarantee sustained success. Really effective leaders recognise that they need to engage heads and hearts – emotions and reason – and to develop the Emotional Intelligence throughout the organisation.
The Need
Developing Emotional Intelligence is crucial in today’s fast moving global business environment where there is often on-going pressure for change. The key challenge for companies is how to adapt in order to survive and prosper.
Many forward looking organisations are including the development of emotional intelligence as one strand in their strategy for success. They recognise that their people need to be self-managed and motivated, creative and adaptable, tolerant of stress, and able to support each other through really effective teamwork founded on strong relationships.
They seek to create leadership at all levels of the organisation, and to attract talent by developing a culture where people are responsible and fully engaged in building success. While it is not a quick fix, Emotional Intelligence can be learnt and developed through training, and forms a foundation for the development of individuals, leaders and teams.
To find out more about how KSL Training could promote the development of Emotional Intelligence in your UK company or organisation, call us on +44 (0) 1635 890450 or complete our enquiry form.
- The development of Emotional Intelligence creates sustained personal change and development by working at a level that accesses the feelings and attitudes that affect behaviour.
- Emotional Intelligence can be used to develop the effectiveness of individuals or teams so that they become more self-managed and self-motivated.
- The development of EI in leaders enables them to combine emotion and reason and create a high-performing culture.
Emotional Intelligence Instruments
- KSL Training consultants are trained to use instruments that have been developed by leading business psychologists.
- There are versions available for individuals (including a 360 version) or teams which can be completed online or on paper.
- They provide an in-depth framework for development and coaching.
Before starting work using an Emotional Intelligence instrument, KSL consultants always discuss with individuals and their managers what is involved, and establish a contract for confidentiality.
- Emotional Intelligence instruments can be used as part of an individual coaching programme providing insight into what influences the person to behave as they do, and what and how to change.
- Developing Emotional Intelligence can also form part of a leadership or management development programme – helping individuals to understand what is influencing their leadership behaviour, and what they could do to become more effective. Individual coaching sessions, which take account of different needs are the best way to progress development. These can be set up as part of or as a follow-up to the programme.
- Teams can also use a team Emotional Intelligence instrument to help develop effective and productive working relationships. This can form the basis of a team workshop to help the team understand its current level of effectiveness, and what it needs to change to enhance it.
Emotional intelligence training
- Available across the UK
- Tailored to your needs
- One or two-day options
- Cost effective