Psychometric Testing

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Psychometric Test Tips

Good preparation is key to achieving success in any challenge and psychometric testing is no different. To help you prepare effectively for the majority of psychometric assessments, here are some useful psychometric test tips:

In this guide:

Prepare for the assessments:

1. Calculate the amount of time needed to complete the tests

Check with the interviewer/assessor how long each test runs for and then add on extra time to set up your technology and working space.

  • Behavioural Assessments – Although most behavioural assessments have no time limitation, candidates should aim to take between 25 to 45 minutes to complete the questions.
  • Aptitude Tests – these are tests that measure your critical reasoning across numbers, words, and shapes. The tests are always timed and varied, e.g. 4 to 25 minutes.

2. Plan when to complete both the practice and real tests

Schedule time to complete practice tests ahead of the actual tests you are being asked to complete within the set deadline.

Be sure to allow sufficient time ahead of the deadline. Hence, do not leave things until the last minute in case something unforeseen happens!

3. Schedule the best time of day for you

Everyone has a different body clock so your peak performance time-of-day could be quite different to your colleague’s. As a result, think about your best time of day to complete a challenging task.

For example, what time of day are you at your best to concentrate and to think objectively, as well as feeling inspired and motivated to succeed? This will then be the best time to complete the aptitude test or personality questionnaire.

4. Complete the practice tests

Most psychometric assessment test providers place at least one practice question for each candidate to complete prior to starting the test itself. This will help you become familiar with the process and question format.

In addition, the test provider will normally provide a Candidate Support web page where you can register to complete an example assessment as part of your preparation practice. Whilst the test will not be identical, we recommend you complete the practice test to help you become familiar with the layout and format of questions.

As well as Practice Tests, brain teasers, word games and number puzzles may also help with your psychometric test preparation efforts.

5. Plan and maintain a quiet, calm environment

Ensure you have a comfortable seat and quiet work area for the duration of the assessments with good lighting and a comfortable temperature.

As you may complete these online tests and questionnaires at home, try to minimise any potential interruptions from friends, family, neighbours, or tradesmen. If you are being asked to complete the assessments online in the workplace, find a suitable quiet location and ask your employer for any reasonable adjustments to make you comfortable when completing these tests.

6. Ensure you have a good Wi-Fi or mobile connection

Complete the assessment using a laptop computer with a reliable internet connection or a mobile compatible test on your phone with a strong, steady connection. If connection is broken, it is likely that you will have to re-take the assessment.

7. Have sufficient resources to hand

Have a few pieces of paper and a pen to hand, should you wish to write something down whilst you are on-line. In addition, a calculator is allowed in the Numerical Reasoning or Calculation tests, so ensure that you have one of these beforehand. If you have multiple assessments to complete, you may want to have a drink to hand before starting.

8. Place a timer in good view of your screen

Monitor the time you have left to complete the assessments with a working timer, e.g. clock, watch, phone

9. Maintain a positive frame of mind

Getting your mind into a positive place, visualising yourself being successful in completing the assessments is a good starting point. Then focus your attention on answering the questions to the best of your ability Remember, even if you have done well in the practice tests, the questions are likely to be different ones and require fresh thinking.

Complete the assessments:

10. Do not dwell on a question for too long

Although the behavioural assessment you are completing is not timed, you should work quickly and not spend too much time dwelling on each of the questions. Importantly, your first response is usually the most reflective of you.

Attempting to alter what would be your natural preferred response to each question, can lead to a poor consistency rating in the resulting report and potentially a report not reflective of the true way you see yourself.

11. Keep an eye on the time

If you are completing an aptitude test, you will be timed, and the on-line system will cut you off once the allocated time has elapsed. Therefore, plan how long you have for each question based upon the time allocated for the test divided by the number of questions. Then keep an eye on a clock or watch that you should have close to hand.

12. Pace yourself so you use all the available time

From the practice assessment you have completed, use the experience to help you pace yourself in answering the questions. This will help you balance the accuracy of your answer whilst maintaining the speed of response needed.

13. Press the ‘completion and log out’ button

At the end of answering the behavioural assessment, please ensure you click on the ‘completion button.’ This signifies that you are happy for your responses to be summarised into a report for the interviewer or assessor.

14. Take a break between each test and behavioural assessment

Consider taking appropriate breaks between the assessments, to ensure you maintain full concentration.

Follow up after the assessments:

15. Ask for feedback

Having spent your time completing the assessment, ask your interviewer for feedback on your results or report. The feedback can be provided in either verbal and/or written format. This will give you helpful insights as to how you performed and potentially consider what you could do differently next time.

16. Reflect on your responses

After completing the psychometric test or questionnaire, reflect on your responses and how you applied yourself. What did you learn and what would you do differently next time? Finally, make a note of the strategies that worked and the things you will do differently next time.

About the Author

These psychometric test tips were prepared by Kim Larkins, MCIPD is Company Founder of KSL Training. Kim has 30 years training and HR management experience in the Retail, Hospitality and Pharmaceutical industry.

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