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Staff Induction Checklist
This generic induction checklist identifies tasks and actions that need to be addressed at each phase of new employee induction. The checklist can easily be tailored to suit your organisation, including timescales.
1. Pre-Employment
- Job offer made and accepted
- Start date and time confirmed to employee, manager and colleagues providing induction support
- Assign who will greet new employee on first day and who will support the induction programme
- Review and order technology needed for the role e.g. computer, laptop and associated software, mobile
- Identify and order equipment needed for the role e.g. desk, safety gear
- Notify payroll of new starter contract employment details
- Assign company car where needed
- Create induction information pack
- Arrange first day
- Update internal records e.g. telephone directory, organisation chart
- Finalise Job Induction Programme and communicate to key support areas
- Send welcome message to new employee e.g. email, telephone, text
2. Day One: Complete Employment Administration
- Employment contract signed and returned
- P45, right to work, licenses and certificates obtained
- Bank details obtained
- Absence and other critical Employment Policies explained
- Record vehicle registration
- Explain site security, procedures for entering and leaving premises and recording work attendance
- Issue security pass, credit card, business card
3. Day One: Organisation Guidance
- Explain Induction process, timing and provide an outline of their Induction Programme
- Discuss health and safety procedures including first aid resources, reporting of accidents
- Explain the resources and people within the organisation
- Give an insight into the social aspects of the organisation e.g. catering arrangements, local facilities, clubs, sports
- Provide an information pack, e.g. synopsis of the organization, its services and products; organisation chart, a glossary of terms
- Introduce and handover to Line Manager or Induction Buddy
4. Day One onwards: On-the-Job Induction
- Ensure new employee works through their planned Job Induction Programme that is monitored by their manager covering the following elements:
- Organisation awareness: site tour, familiarization of products, services, and our customers
- Introduction to work colleagues: I.E. colleagues, peers, senior manager/s, department health and safety representative
- Organisation and Department systems and procedures: how do I need to operate in terms of standards, systems, legislation; use of equipment and resources, use of company computers, telephones and other technology; routine administration and resources
- Job performance and measurement: what is expected of me, how do I fit in, and how will I be measured
- Other departments/functions: what they do, who they are and how they operate
- Internal customers/colleagues: how we can help and support each other
- External networks and resources: who are they and how can we access them
- Conduct interim reviews with employee against completion of their Job Induction Programme
- Check successful progress of the employee’s probationary period and address any gaps
5. Month One to Month Three: Company Induction/Orientation
- Ensure the new employee receives training to help orientate them to their new company or organisation, the people and how it operates. For example, you may wish to include:
- A potted history of the company
- An overview of company structure, mission, vision and values
- The business plan, annual goals and key performance targets of the company, as well as key challenges
- An overview of organisation’s products and services
- Health and safety and any legislative training
About the Author
, MCIPD is Company Founder of KSL Training. Kim has 30 years training and HR management experience in the Retail, Hospitality and Pharmaceutical industry.
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