Team Leader Training
Learn important management and leadership skills to get the best from your team

Line Management Open Course - Book Now!
Kick start your management training with KSL’s Line Management Online Course for supervisors, team leaders and new managers. Split into 2 x 3 hour modules, this management development programme covers important management skills, including effective communication and delegation, as well as performance management and coaching skills. Book early and save 15%.

Course Availability
Bitesize virtual training via Zoom
Upcoming Dates
- 09 April 2025 – Part 1
- 23 April 2025 – Part 2
- 04 June 2025 – Part 1
- 18 June 2025 – Part 2
09:30 – 12:30 GMT (each day)
£360 + VAT Early booking rate
£450 + VAT Standard rate
- 1 day course
- Download course PDF
- +44 (0) 1635 890450
A one-day team leader training course, also aimed at first time supervisors, and new managers, to build confidence and develop key leadership and communication skills. The training also introduces practical techniques to help manage change, team conflict and difficult behaviour.
Essential team leader training for those new to people management, including first time supervisors and newly appointed line managers.
By the end of this one-day team leader course, the participants will have:
- Recognised the characteristics of high performing teams and identified ways to engender effective team working
- Been introduced to different styles of communication and how to adapt their communication style to create understanding and rapport with others
- Identified strategies for helping team members cope with their potential responses to change in the workplace
- Identified and practised techniques for managing difficult behaviour in the workplace
Characteristics of high performance teams
- Defining a team
- Characteristics of high performing teams
- Stages of group development
- Ways to engender team working
- Group exercise ‘shapes’ and review, facilitator presentation, small group and individual exercise
Communication Styles
- Perceptions and filters
- Appreciating different communication styles
- Identifying our own communication style and preference
- Adjusting to other communication styles when managing team members
- Individual questionnaire, facilitator presentation, small group exercises, facilitated group review
Emotional responses to change
- Business and personal impacts of failing to deal with people’s needs & concerns
- Identifying our own response to change
- DREC change curve
- Identifying each phase and responding appropriately
- Conveying compelling reasons for change
- Practical activity and discussion in small groups with group learning review, facilitator presentation, individual exercise
Managing difficult behaviour in the workplace
- What causes difficult behaviour
- Strategies for responding to different behaviour styles
- Resolving conflict in a constructive way
- Facilitator presentation, small group exercise, facilitated group review
Next steps
- Review of learning
- Personal action planning
- Course feedback
The team leader training will be supported with:
- A participant pre-course questionnaire and Communication Styles Questionnaire
- A colour printed workbook with tips, techniques and space for personal notes
- Access to our portfolio of management tips and performance guides
Download our latest price list (PDF):
Testimonials from previous attendees
Very knowledgeable and pleasant way of presenting, thank-you.
Very enthusiastic way of conducting training + adapting principles to our needs + company.