Performance Management Training
Learn practical skills to effectively manage performance

- 1 day course
- Download course PDF
- +44 (0) 1635 890450
This interactive one-day training course will bring consistency in applying performance management within the business. The course will help managers and team leaders recognise their role and contribution to effectively manage performance and conduct at work.
A link can be made to the organisation’s policies throughout the course to help embed effective performance management techniques and practices into an existing framework.
For line managers who have a responsibility for managing the performance and conduct of staff/employees.
By the end of this performance management course, participants will have:
- Shared a common understanding on how performance management systems can be effectively utilised to raise the performance of individuals and teams
- Enhanced their skills in setting clear expectations and objectively measuring individual performance using objectives and competencies as key measures
- Identified and practised some performance management strategies and techniques to enhance the performance and motivation in under-performing and high performing team members.
Creating and sustaining high performance teams
- Key characteristics of a high performing team
- Stages of group development
- Role of team leader in achieving high performance
- Group ‘shapes’ exercise with review, presentation, individual reflective exercise
The principles of performance management
- Core elements, principles and benefits of an effective performance management framework
- Performance management cycle and purpose of the annual performance review
- Organisations’ performance appraisal process
- Quiz, case study quiz, presentation and group discussion
Setting performance measures
- Objective setting process
- Setting and communicating performance objectives
- Identifying core behaviours that drive high performance
- Presentation, the ‘shoot out’ exercise with facilitated group review, group exercise and discussion
Reviewing and assessing performance
- Reviewing different levels of performance
- Objectively assessing and rating performance
- Case study with group learning review and discussion
One to one performance review meetings
- Structuring performance review meetings
- Giving constructive and motivational feedback
- Using questions to help employees review their own performance
- Presentation, skills practice in small groups, group learning review
Review and next steps
- Review of learning and action planning
- Course feedback
The performance management training will be supported with:
- An optional participant pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading on managing performance
- A colour printed workbook with performance management tips, techniques and space for personal notes
- An optional “performance guide” summarising the key points
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Testimonials from previous attendees
Excellent. I will be applying the feedback model.
Excellent. I will apply my learning in upcoming appraisals.
Brilliant! This will help me no end.
Very well presented and relevant to my job role. Found it interesting and engaging.